Did you miss it last week? Don’t know what Gutter Cereal is? SERIALIZED COMICS ! This week we debut two new series: Fünkens by Juniper Kim and Fruitlings by Rachel Bivens. So get ready for these freaky and cute guys in your mailbox monthly.
You can find these as well as Insomnia Mansion on our tumblr. Also in this issue: comics by Shannon Colón and Daryl Seitchik! Dig in!
Gutter Cereal
You may remember the Fünkens from a past Gutter. They’re back, baby!
Juniper Kim (@twostringjuniper) wonders if they should fear their own creations. Read all of the Fünkens.
Rachel is a clown drawing fruit in Vermont. You can find more fruit content on their insta @rbivsart
Finished is always a beginning by Shannon Colón
Shannon is a freelance designer, illustrator, and storyteller writing about identity, family folklore, creativity, and how they're all related. You can find Shannon's work here.
Moon Bunnies: A Bleu Story by Daryl Seitchik
Daryl Seitchik’s last name means little wild rabbit in Russian. @m00nbunnies and @daryl.seitchik on IG or darylseitchik.com for more comics
Possum Prompt
Write down an overheard conversation. Then replace the people having that conversation with— inanimate objects? animals? body parts? your choice!
See you on March 1st! And reminder: if you’re not seeing us in your inbox, move us outta promotions and into primary!